
Join Our Exclusive Webinar!

Diagnosing, Improving, And Maintaining Your Organization’s Credit Culture

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Diagnosing, Improving, And Maintaining Your Organization’s Credit Culture

The market and the regulatory community pay close attention to a financial organization’s credit culture because a strong credit culture is critical to the success of credit risk management.

Some 14 credit discipline tools help management to implement, maintain, and ensure that credit risk and the credit culture stay on track.  Join Dev Strischek as he offers a credit discipline tool checklist and explains how each of the tools works.

Duration: 60 Minutes

Date:  August 30, 2024

Time: 01 : 00 PM EST

Webinar begins in:


What You'll Learn

  • 4 types of credit cultures and optimal credit culture
  • Elements of credit risk management
  • Regulatory expectations for credit culture and credit risk management
  • Role of 14 credit discipline tools in building and maintaining credit culture and credit risk management

Don't Miss Out On This
Exclusive Opportunity!

Join Dev Strischek as he offers a credit discipline tool checklist and explains how each of the tools works.